Thursday, November 5, 2009
Just to refresh your memory – this test was done to see what exactly, if anything, had happened to the aortic tissue as a result of fracturing open the metal stent in Kaylin’s aorta. It also gives a good look at exactly how narrow or wide the aorta is in the area of the stent, as well as above and below that so that the doctors can make the determination when or if something needs to happen.
After talking with Dr. Lawrence (our doc in Austin), everything looks good for now! We praise the Lord for that! There are no aneurysms which have formed, and it even appears her aorta has grown some because the area where the stent is measures 6.5mm and on the last scan (before the fracturing of the stent) it measured 5mm.
There is, of course, still some narrowing there compared to the rest of the aorta (we expected this) and she will at some point in the future need another stent placed to balloon the narrowing open further. The question now is WHEN to do that??!! Dr. Lawrence is sending the images to Dr. Justino at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston and the two of them will consult on what to do next. This is always the question with Kaylin – do we wait for her to show clinical signs that she needs something done? OR do we operate more proactively and intervene long before she shows real clinical need to do so. We do not have these answers and won’t until we hear Dr. J weigh in. He is typically the one who is the more “far-thinking” decision maker when it comes to Kaylin.
It does look like we can at least wait several months before having to place another stent! The rest of her heart looks really, really good and she is just an amazing little girl and I think about the best 3 year old patient the hospital here had ever seen. All the doctors and nurses commented over and over how calm and well behaved she was for everything they had to do. She didn’t fuss, whine, cry, or put up a fight over anything. I think they just don’t realize to her, this is just a part of life – she doesn’t know any different. But that is NOT to take anything away from what an amazing little girl she truly is. We are blessed and are all in all happy with this latest report!
Love to all,
Nancy and Chris
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
October is already over??!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
5 Teeth now and so many Milestones!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Kaylin's Gone to Preschool!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Bad Mommy!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Everything looks good!
So, we cannot wait to resume water activities for the summer! Good thing because her upcoming birthday party is at a water sprinkler park and that was going to put a real damper on that if the birthday girl couldn't participate!!:)
We did learn that the gradient in her arch has gone up from a 2.7 to a 3.5 which you don't want to see. But because everything else looks good, nothing needs to be done at this point. We will return to the cardiologist in 3 months and then do a CT angiogram right after that to take a look at the stent which was fractured open and make sure everything still looks OK. Thanks for all your prayers! Now, if you could just pray that we get this girl potty trained ALL will be good in our world (hee hee)!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Brayden 6 months/Kaylin 3 years!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Been Way Tooo Long!
Now after that shameless plug....back to my kids! They have both been wonderful and it is so hard to believe that Brayden is almost 6 months old. He is getting closer and closer to sleeping through the night, but it only seems to happen about once or twice a week at this point. Hoping that will get to be more and more! He is a pretty happy baby overall - as long as it's not his witching hour in the evening where he pretty much wants to eat every hour on the hour! Makes it difficult to make dinner, eat dinner, play with Kaylin, etc. But it's getting better and his adorable smiles and giggles are TOTALLY worth it! He adores his big sister (but who wouldn't:) and is grasping and chewing his rattle and enjoying his exersaucer (somewhat) these days. He still can't sit up in it real well, so he pretty much slumps over and whatever is right there at eye level seems pretty entertaining to him! Kaylin seems to have just as much fun with it as she did when she was a baby. She still wants to sit in there like Brayden (and would probably fit) but I have to draw the line somewhere. She already fits in his Bumbo (and I know some 6 month olds whose legs are too chubby to fit!) so I let her get by with that one.
Kaylin is also doing well. I wish I had a further potty training story for ya, but she kind of stopped the obsession. This is kind of a double edge sword for me. I wasn't quite ready to tackle that one when she decided it was time, but I took it on and went with it as best I could having a newborn. However, having a newborn, I cannot lie, I'm kind of glad she let off for now and I feel like once Brayden gets a few weeks older and is sleeping more I will have more patience to really tackle the potty training. The last time she was doing it - a few weeks ago - I tried the ole' trick of putting her in her big girl panties with no diaper or pull up underneath. My understanding is that the wet feeling is supposed to be uncomfortable to them and, so, makes them want to go use the potty and not go in their pants. Hmmmmm....didn't quite happen for us. Kaylin soaked hers and when I asked her about it she said "they don't bother me, Mommy". OK - obviously not the tactic that's going to work for us. So I think to resume we are going to have to go back to "party on the potty" every time she goes, possibly throw in some candy or lollipops, and see what happens. As far as going #2 though - not sure we will EVER get there! This poor girl has been constipated for so long (pretty much over a year) and struggles so much with it already, that I just don't know if we'll ever get her going in the potty.
And I know this will embarass her in a mortifying way when she gets older and reads this.....but what is the obsession with kids wanting to look at poop???? Do any of you run into that with your kids?! She wants to look at bird poop, my poop, daddy's poop, and the other day she was squatting down in the yard directly behind our dogs behind watching him poop!!! DISGUSTING! What is up with that? And every time we change her poopy diaper she says "I want to see"! What - why do you want to see?! I could go with not ever seeing poop again and be perfectly happy (though that is a long way off with a 6 month old!) I just don't get this. I just keep telling her that the only way she gets to see her poop is if she goes poo-poo in the potty. That may be the motivation she needs to do it! Never would have thunk that one!
OK - so now that I have probably grossed you out and you had to put down the donut and Starbucks you were snacking on, I should probably go ahead and sign off and try to get something done around the house. I am posting pictures of the March of Dimes March for Babies we attended last weekend. Nana and B-pa came and walked with us and that is no small feat! It's quite hilly in downtown Austin and I was so proud of them and so happy they joined us. At one point, B-pa was pushing the stroller with Brayden in it, wearing the backpack on his back and carrying Kaylin all at the same time. Mom and I finally realized what was going on and helped out but it was quite a sight! March of Dimes is such a great cause and we love to support it - especially now that we have had TWO preemies! OK - I will try to post again much sooner than last time. Sorry!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Potty training saga continues....
Then as I said yesterday my fear was that our next call was going to be to a plumber, right?! Well after cleaning up her bathroom mess I headed into the study and caught a quick glance out the window of water just pouring out of the ground down the sidewalk and into the street. This of course sent me into a complete panic and I ran to get Chris to check it out. My first thought was "what did Kaylin put down the toilet"? So after assessing the situation, Chris comes in and calls our utility district people to come take a look but his guess is that it's on the "city" side and not "our side" so we shouldn't have to worry about it or repair anything. Well, the guy gets there a half hour later and I go with him outside to see what is going on. He asks us to turn off all the water in the house, so we do, and yet water is still gushing all over the walkway. At this point, I am about to panic and am so afraid at what he is going to tell us is wrong now. But then.....he says that it must be the neighbor's side!!! Hallelujah! While I feel bad for our neighbor, I was so happy and relieved that finally something breaking and costing lots of money wasn't happening to us this time! (After the hail damage to our roof and truck, the microwave died, my brakes are going out, we've maxed out all our health insurance deductibles AND our property taxes just went up - I couldn't handle one more thing right now!) Sounds like it will require a plumber but I just feel like we dodged such a bullet this time and I'm just so elated! And, what's even better, it means Kaylin is still minding her Mommy and didn't put anything down the toilet! Yay!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Potty training
Friday, April 17, 2009
Welcome to our new blog!!
Now to the latest with us.....We had a great Easter and hope all of you did too! (It's hard to believe we actually got a pic with all of us looking at the same time and at the same camera.) Kaylin really got into Easter eggs this year. She helped me put them together and fill them with fun stuff and then she played with them for at least a week! I am still finding halves and parts and pieces of plastic eggs all over the house! She also helped us dye some eggs and even made some for her baby brother. We had to do an indoor egg hunt at our house due to rain on Easter, but later that day the weather turned beautiful and she had an outdoor hunt at her Gram and Papa's house. It was somewhat of a slow process though because every time she opened an egg she had to sit down and eat whatever was inside. We finally convinced her to fill the basket up with the eggs and then sit down to open them all at once - she stuffed herself with candy, fruit chews, and goldfish for the rest of the day. The day was wonderful and we just celebrated the many blessings in our life
Since our last trip to Houston, life has been pretty hectic but we can't complain because both kids are healthy and doing really well. And the cath must have given Kaylin renewed energy because since our return she only takes maybe 2 naps a week!! Ugh! Such a killer for Mommy because I basically don't get a break all day between her and Brayden, so when Daddy gets home the poor guy gets the "dump off" of kids as I collapse on the couch for a few minutes before Brayden's final feed of the night and our nighttime routine ensues.
Kaylin is also beginning to potty train herself (since Mommy is too tired and brain dead most of the day to focus on it!) and goes a couple of times a day in her "big girl" potty! She wears pull ups with big girl panties over them for part of the day and is just so proud of herself when she goes. I'm not pushing her to do it all the time - just whenever she wants to do it but at least we are moving in the right direction. She is fiercely independent these days and has pretty much figured out how to pull every toy, chair, stool, or piece of furniture in the house up to a counter or tabletop to get to what she wants. Nothing is safe from her anymore! She might be small, but she has certainly figured out how to get what she wants!
That's it for now! Gotta go and get ready for the day. Will update again soon and thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes for our family!